Bluehost My Site Name Keeps Going New Wordpress Site Login Updated FREE

Bluehost My Site Name Keeps Going New Wordpress Site Login

When we installed WordPress with Bluehost, we were pleasantly surprised by how easy it is – all you accept to exercise is sign up, and Bluehost volition take care of the balance for you. We've broken downwardly our experience in this guide so that you tin can do information technology, too. No technical headaches involved!

Later hours of hands-on testing and enquiry, we know Bluehost within and out. But we've as well spoken to other Bluehost users, as well equally some pro WordPress developers, to give you the best possible guide on how to install WordPress with Bluehost.

Before we jump in, here'southward a quick overview video:

Selection a Bluehost Program

In brusk: Visit and cull the best pricing plan for you.

Bluehost is known for its WordPress hosting plans – information technology'south even an officially recommended host by WordPress. To choose the best program for you lot, become to Bluehost's WordPress section and scroll down to the "Choose Your Style to WordPress" department.

bluehost plans

Bluehost offers three plans optimized specifically for WordPress sites.

We recommend:

  • The $2.95/month plan for new and/or minor websites. You lot'll have a not bad amount of bandwidth and storage to start off with, at a very cheap price.
  • The $nine.95/month plan for growing websites adding more content and experiencing more traffic.
  • The $12.95/calendar month programme for large websites with an established audience, specially ecommerce websites that demand extra security to process payments.

Acme Tip: You don't have to choose a WordPress-specific plan. We've covered Bluehost'southward WordPress plans here because they're the well-nigh relevant, just you can also go for i of Bluehost'southward more general shared plans, which range from $ii.95 – $xiii.95 per month. For a full guide to the dissimilar plans bachelor, yous can check out our Bluehost Pricing review.

Once you've called a plan, just keep in mind that the super-low price you're seeing only applies to your starting time term – in one case it'due south time to renew the program, yous'll accept to pay a more expensive renewal toll. This is typical of about hosting providers, simply it can be frustrating if you're non expecting it!

The difference betwixt introductory and renewal prices isn't too bad with Bluehost:

  • The WordPress Shared plan increases from $ii.95 to $8.99/calendar month
  • The Managed WordPress plan increases from $9.95 to $19.95/calendar month
  • The WordPress Online Stores plan increases from $12.95 to $24.95/calendar month

bluehost logo

Interested in Bluehost'due south WordPress Plans?

Nosotros were pretty impressed by Bluehost's value for money, especially on its WordPress-specific hosting plans.

Choose a Domain Name

In short: Pick a new domain for your website, or apply one that you already own.

Once yous've selected a plan, yous'll be asked to cull a domain for your site, which is basically like the "address" where people can observe your site on the web. If you already have a domain that yous want to use, you can enter it at this phase.

bluehost set up domain

Bluehost helps you buy and manage domains from its ain dashboard.

On the drop-downwardly menu under "Create a new domain", you lot tin choose your domain proper name extension (similar .com, .cyberspace, or .org).

choosing domain

If you're having trouble brainstorming a new domain, don't worry – you lot can skip this stride and come back to it afterwards!

bluehost logo

Don't Miss Out on Your Ideal Domain

Whether you have the perfect domain already or are yet thinking, make sure you register your domain earlier someone else does!

Finish Signing Upward

In brusque: Enter your address and payment data, and purchase your Bluehost plan – simply go along an middle out for actress costs that yous don't really need!

Subsequently you've chosen a domain name, you'll exist gear up to cheque out with your new Bluehost plan.

On this last folio, you'll exist asked to enter your name, address, and payment information. You'll also confirm which hosting plan you desire, and how long y'all want your get-go term to last.

plan sign ups

The more fourth dimension you're willing to sign upwards for in advance, the lower the monthly price will be.

Top Tip: Avert additional costs that y'all don't demand. On this checkout page, you'll notice a "Package Extras" section:

additional costs

Y'all'll also notice that a few extras, like Codeguard Basic and SiteLock Security, are automatically added to your handbasket. These tools are nice to have, and y'all may want to buy them, but they're definitely not required! So make certain to take a good look at the Parcel Extras section, and uncheck whatsoever extra costs that you don't want.

Once y'all've entered and reviewed your information, and unchecked whatsoever costs yous don't want, but click the greenish "Submit" push at the bottom of the page, and you'll be the proud possessor of a new Bluehost business relationship.

Log In and Install WordPress

In short: Sign in to your Bluehost dashboard and set WordPress in merely a few clicks.

At this betoken, you're prepare to actually install WordPress with Bluehost. And this might be the easiest step in the whole procedure, because Bluehost provides costless WordPress installation, so you don't have to practise whatsoever of the technical stuff yourself.

User Review: Harry Clarkson-Bennett, Red Orange Peach

user reviewWe haven't just used our own experience to help write this guide. We also spoke to other users, like Harry Clarkson-Bennett. Harry installed WordPress with Bluehost to create his website, Red Orange Peach, which recommends the best cruelty-costless cosmetic and household products.

Harry found the installation procedure actually easy – "virtually idiot-proof," in fact! – but what else does he take to say about Bluehost?

"There are other providers which I know offer faster hosting, but I picked Bluehost because it was the cheapest choice I could observe. Bluehost'south control panel and interface is remarkably piece of cake to use, and integrates well with other services you lot need. For case, I wanted to utilise Cloudflare with my site, and it was supremely like shooting fish in a barrel to set upward with Bluehost.

Information technology's as well very piece of cake to manage your updates, plugins, and advanced admission. So if you work with a programmer, you tin grant them admission for things like the FTP (File Transfer Protocol) – and then you shouldn't need to practice much piece of work at all."

Simply sign in to your Bluehost dashboard and click on the "My Sites" tab from the left side card:

managing websites

On the next screen, click "Create Site" in the upper right corner, and so choose whether you want to create your site with the content management system or the website builder.

(Since y'all're using your own hosting provider, is the amend choice for you. For more than info, you lot can read our explanation of vs .)

Once yous've called a WordPress option, you'll enter a proper name and tagline for your site, which will human activity as an intro for most visitors:

create website name

Then yous tin click on the "Advanced" tab and enter the login information that you want for your WordPress account.

wordpress account info

On the side by side screen, Bluehost will suggest some optional (and free this time!) WordPress plugins that yous may want to install at this stage.

For instance, WP Forms is useful for creating simple surveys and contact forms where visitors tin can keep in touch with you, and MonsterInsights is a tool that works with Google Analytics to assist you lot analyze your traffic.

Expert Tip: Thomas Jepsen, Web Developer – Atlantic Aspiration

expert tipUsing SEO Plugins For Success

"Make sure to install a search engine optimization plugin, like Yoast SEO, where you can prepare the right noindex directives to make certain pages won't announced in search results.

If y'all're using Yoast SEO, go to "Search Advent," then "Taxonomies." So choose that "Categories" and "Tags" shouldn't be shown in search results. These are typically considered "thin pages" which could become you penalized by Google."

Plugins or no plugins, you'll and then click "Next" at the bottom of the folio, and voilĂ ! You've successfully installed WordPress with Bluehost.

Need Assist?

It'due south actually simple to install WordPress with Bluehost, so you probable won't run into whatsoever trouble. But if you do take any issues or questions, Bluehost's support team is available 24/7 – and we were very impressed with their service.

In our spider web hosting research , Bluehost scored a perfect 5/5 for help and support, and it surpassed our expectations the most compared to any other provider we tested.

Nosotros found Bluehost's alive conversation squad to be actually responsive, and its searchable knowledge base to be total of useful articles and tips.

And we weren't the only ones who were impressed. Hither'due south what Harry had to say nearly his experience with the support team:

"Bluehost's back up is actually pretty stellar. My staging site broke, then I spoke to their online chat team and they set up a new i within minutes."

Launch Your Site!

In brusk: From your Bluehost dashboard, log in to WordPress and start customizing your site.

Congratulations! At this indicate, WordPress is installed on your Bluehost business relationship. At present it's fourth dimension to design your site and go it set up for visitors to run across.

Beginning, navigate dorsum to the "My Sites" tab, and then click on "Manage Site".

On the side by side screen, click "Log in to WordPress."

You'll be taken to your WordPress dashboard, where you tin offset making your site your own. This is where you can customize your site'southward layout (or choose a pre-built theme if yous'd rather that), design all kinds of pages, and write new content for blog posts or news updates.

Don't worry about how your work-in-progress looks – at this signal, anyone who tries to visit your site will see a "Coming Soon" message, so you can accept fun experimenting before you actually publish your site.

When yous're ready to go live, just click "Launch your site" in the WordPress dashboard. You can revert your site back to the "Coming Soon" message if you lot desire to, so don't worry almost launching too before long – it doesn't accept to be permanent!

how to launch site

When you're ready, launch your site with the click of a push.

bluehost logo

Ready to Go Started?

Make your dream website a reality with Bluehost – it doesn't take long.

Optional: Switching a WordPress Site to Bluehost

In short: Bluehost will migrate well-nigh WordPress websites for free. If your site doesn't qualify for free migration, you tin can either practice it manually or pay $149.99 for Bluehost to move information technology for you.

If you already have a website that'southward hosted somewhere else, and you lot're thinking of switching to Bluehost, this section'due south for y'all.

Bluehost offers costless migration for well-nigh WordPress websites, then in virtually cases it'due south really easy to switch to Bluehost. If your website doesn't qualify for the free migration, you can either manually switch information technology to Bluehost or pay Bluehost to do it for you lot.

Click on the option you're interested in below to see how it works:

Y'all tin use Bluehost'southward free migration service if:

  • Your existing domain leads to a WordPress site
  • Your site is a reasonable size and uses an upward-to-date WordPress version with current, secure plugins

In other words, near WordPress sites volition be eligible for the free migration (Bluehost volition run a compatibility check to make sure!). Then, all you accept to do is install the Bluehost Migration plugin, and the team will take care of the rest!

If you don't authorize for a costless migration – for case, if your site is too large – and you don't want to spend money on a transfer, then you can move your website to Bluehost yourself.

This isn't the easiest option, but if you're willing to set aside some time, then it'due south non too technical! We've written a full general guide on how to transfer website hosting which works with Bluehost's process.

Basically, you'll have to salve all of your website's files and information to your figurer, and and then upload them to your new hosting account.

If you lot don't qualify for a free transfer simply yous don't want the hassle of moving a site yourself, then you tin apply Bluehost'southward paid migration service for a one-time fee of $149.99.

For this price, you tin can actually drift up to five websites and 20 email accounts. All you have to practice is purchase the transfer service, and Bluehost's team will take care of the balance for you as quickly as possible.

Not certain if you lot should switch your WordPress site to Bluehost? Bank check out our in-depth Bluehost Review to see if this host is really right for you.

Conclusion: How to Install WordPress with Bluehost

Bluehost offers extremely easy WordPress installation. You lot can practise information technology yourself in just a few clicks. And if you desire to transfer an existing site to Bluehost, the team volition likely handle that for costless, too.

Here'south a quick recap of the five steps nosotros've just covered:

How to Install WordPress on Bluehost

  1. Pick a Bluehost Programme
  2. Choose a Domain Proper name
  3. Finish Signing Up
  4. Log In and Install WordPress
  5. Launch Your Site

bluehost logo

Ready to Start a WordPress Site With Bluehost?

Everything you need to know is right here – now's the time to become for it!

Still non certain if Bluehost is for yous? No worries – our comparing guide to the Best Web Hosting will testify you how Bluehost holds upwardly to the competition.


Actually, WordPress comes with Bluehost. Free, easy WordPress installation is included in our Bluehost account. But yous need that Bluehost account in club to become your site live, because WordPress on its own is only software without a web host!

Yep! Setting upwardly a WordPress site on Bluehost requires no additional costs, just the actual hosting fee that you'll pay when creating your Bluehost business relationship.

No, you can utilize a number of different content management systems with Bluehost. Bluehost works extremely well with WordPress, just it'south non your only option! For example, other content management systems similar Drupal and Joomla piece of work with Bluehost just fine.

No problem! Merely sign in to your Bluehost dashboard and click on "Domains" in the left side menu. At the superlative right of the next screen, you'll find options to either purchase a new domain or transfer an existing one to Bluehost.

Bluehost My Site Name Keeps Going New Wordpress Site Login



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